I have been working a lot with node.js lately and some Nancy (low weight .net web framework). I love how explicit they are in the HTTP interface you define and how they allow you to structure your application as you find appropriate (for example around features or feature groups).

Node.js example:


Nancy example:


They give you full control how you structure and organize http handlers (code, folders, view locations). So when I now started a new ASP.NET MVC project I am struck by how awkward I find the default mvc folder structure and url –> controller routing mechanism.

Default ASP.NET MVC project folder structure:


Having Controllers, Models and Views in the root folder feel strange to me, they are basic building blocks in mvc projects and have nothing to to do with features or the application domain. ASP.NET MVC has support for areas which allow you to organize your code around application domains or features but the default controllers and views cannot be in an area folder. Try for example to have an controller in an area be your default route and it will be looking for views in the default root view folder.

Luckily MVC is extensible enough to partially solve this. We can move the default controllers, views and models into a “default” area folder, this won’t really be an area in the same sense as other areas. Because we will trick ASP.NET MVC to look for “no area” views and controllers in this folder instead.


By removing the standard Razing engine and instantiating a new we can modify the view location formats to make razor look for views for the “no area” routes/controllers in the default folder inside the areas folder. Now we can clean up the root folder structure.


This feels so much better, we can have default views and layouts in the default area folder, maybe a few controllers but preferably every controller should be placed within an area (feature / feature group). I still find the url –> controller action routing obstructing the clarity and simplicity of HTTP, but it has it uses. Also the whole area feature in ASP.NET MVC feels tacked on and not well implemented as they complicate all url routing and url generation. When using areas Url, Action and Form helpers need to be told which area the controller you are referring to resides.


This can be overcome by using smart lambda based (typed) helpers: 


But sadly no such helpers come included in vanilla ASP.NET MVC (they did/do exist in MVC Futures and MVC Contrib if I remember correctly). Anyway after this small change I feel a little better using ASP.NET MVC, still miss node.js though.